Women's History Month 2019 Profile: Marissa Tarleton

Marissa Tarleton, CEO of RetailMeNot

How would your peers describe your personality?

I am known for being direct and transparent, and Iā€™m passionate about solving problems by bringing them to light. I also really enjoy building relationships -- whether a colleague or through mentoring other women -- and having conversations about business and careers. All that to say, Iā€™m sure Iā€™d be described as honest :-)

When did you consider yourself a success? How did this make you feel?

I am not sure I do even now!  There are stages to success I guess. Being a successful working mother has made me proud, but the competitive spirit in me may never ultimately say I am done.

What is the biggest challenge you have come across in your career and how did you handle this?

Around 10 years into my professional career, I was pregnant with my son. Up until the hour my baby was born, I was working 70+ hour weeks -- I even had a conference call in the delivery room while in early labor! Career advancement was my priority, but my children have changed my perspective entirely. Since then, I developed more respect for things outside of just a career including family, community and relationships. It has taken me years to find balance and I still have to work on it daily.

What do you do to keep yourself motivated and interested in your work?

I am very passionate about RetailMeNotā€™s mission to make everyday life more affordable. I am all about saving money and getting a great deal. Always have been since I was a little girl living in Asia. RetailMeNot connects consumers with savings on anything they want - or need - to purchase, including retail, prescriptions, food and dining and more. Itā€™s easy to come to work everyday knowing weā€™re working on something that impacts so many people.

What are you most proud of?

Iā€™m most proud of my family, and specifically of my children. I have one daughter and one son. Family is very important to me and I am very proud of the bond we share.

What inspired you when you were younger?

My parents. I know it sounds cliche, but itā€™s true! My father showed me how to be career-oriented and still prioritize family, and my mother always helped me course-correct when I hit dead-ends. They both provide tremendous support in my life.

What nail color makes you feel most confident?

I strongly believe in the power of a manicure! Itā€™s a weekly habit for sure.  Typically, I get light pinks and neutrals like ORLYā€™s First Kiss.

What is a piece of advice you would give to young women?

I recommend two things: first, donā€™t be shy to ask for a new challenge When you make the time to explore new roles to diversify your skillset, or ask for new projects that allow you to grow, youā€™ll identify new passion spots and ensure youā€™re avoiding burnout. Second, make sure you have the right role models in place to get where you want to go. Currently, I coach many women who struggle to find the resources and professional role models they need as guides early in their careers. My hope is that women everywhere have courage to fight for the careers, resources and role models they want and deserve.